MODULE 2 ( Youtube )

Amazing content your likability and your youtube strategy this is what makes the channel successful. You must have all 3! 

Youtube to-do list:



Always make sure that your title and what the video is about match. If it doesn't, when people will realize that they been tricked they will close your video and youtube will stop promoting it, suggesting it. The better video is structured, the more value you give and the longer people watch it the more youtube promotes it and suggests it to watch for others.


You can monetize your channel when you have hit the 1000 subscribers mark and gain over 4000 views on your videos.

Like for like or sub for a sub doesn't work. As those people simply will not be interested in watching your content. The key is not the number of subscribers the key is organic subscribers that like you and look forward to watching you. 


You will always have fewer haters following you rather than fans. Because then people don't like you they do not subscribe and do not watch you. Yet there is always a tiny percentage of people that have nothing better to do with their life than watch people who they don't like.

If someone unlikes your video or likes makes a good or bad comment. It's all positive as youtube sees it as an engagement and promotes your videos in return.

Video Title.

The best video title is eye-catching, flashy, and sounds a bit extreme.

For example.:

21 years old billionaire routine.

How to get a man to chase you and beg for your love?

One simple secret to becoming a millionaire.

Instead of:

How to have a successful business?

How to be a woman with self-value and self-respect?

or 1000 steps to take to become a millionaire.

The catchier the title sounds the more people will be willing to click on it. Also, make sure to use simple language for titles and making a video. The simpler language you use the more people can understand you in return the more people will follow you.

If you are foreign and you feel as you do not speak perfect English. Do not worry. Language is a tool to communicate the message. If you make sense that is the key. People were laughing at me and criticizing my English when I started well who is laughing now...


It is better if the video thumbnail has the same title as the video. In that way, Google seems to promote your video more. Although it is not necessary and as long as it aligns with the title is ok. The thumbnail must be of great quality and flashy! It must stand out in comparison to other YouTubers' videos. The flashier the brighter and the more dramatic it looks the more clickable it will be. On the contrary, if it looks dull and boring people might not even notice that you have a video on youtube and will just skip to the next.


The first sentence in your description must be the same as in your title. And then the description must be full of your title keywords. The reason being is that the video description is more for youtube rather than for your subscribers. The best way to do it is to make sure that it looks proper for both. The more your description matches your title the more youtube algorithm will promote the video. As you are confirming to youtube with your description that the content of the video is the same as the title.

In the description always make sure to add the links on how people can find you, get in contact with you. Add the email subscriptions, products you are selling, etc...


Keywords must be sentences that people look for. Do not do one-word keywords. Unless you used all the key phrases and still have a bit of space left for only one word to use.

Keywords must be phrases that people look for on google or youtube.

The free ways to know which keywords to add to your video are.

By looking at the most popular key phrases on google search or youtube search. 

If you want to buy the apps that recommend which keywords to use for your videos. Great apps are:





It is very important to have subtitles on your videos as it is another confirmation to youtube about the content of your video. Also, you can watch a video without sound when there are appropriate subtitles used. 

And the likability of Youtube promoting it increases once you add the subtitles.

You can type in the subtitles yourself or you can buy them. I usually buy them from the app called

Always add end screen and insert icards

When you add an end screen you are suggesting your own video to watch and to stay on your channel. The same goes for then you add icard. You are promoting your own videos. Therefore use these features.

Your aim is for people to stay on your channel as long as possible. Add make it easy for them with suggestions.


When you will have more than 20 videos on your channel. You can start adding them to playlists. Playlists of the same topic.

For example a playlist of series of videos which stocks to buy or a playlist of series of videos on how to write an ebook.

Complete and Continue